Ethics Statement
Communicating international development and humanitarian assistance is complex and requires nuance and care. Images and language form the stories we tell and the perceptions we shape. We can’t control how our stories are perceived, but we can strive to be conscious of how our personal and professional backgrounds, beliefs and experiences influence what and how we communicate.
EngagingDev is committed to upholding our statement of ethics in our own communications practice and in the work we do with the clients and projects we support.
Full and informed consent
We believe that consent to be included in communications products is not granted with the filling out of a form. Consent requires conversation, can shift and can be retracted. Good communications come from good collaboration, and we seek to collaborate with those who contribute to our stories - whether through an image, a written story or video content - we create content together and we understand the importance of full and informed consent when seeking not just approval, but also accuracy in representation.
Full and informed consent can only be granted when our collaborators understand how their story will be told, where it will be published and for what purpose.
Representation and diversity
We strive at all times to account for diverse perspectives within complex environments and represent people with care. Furthermore, we aim for all perspectives to be shared through dignified representations of those we work that amplify their strengths and agency.
Privacy, security and confidentiality
Privacy, security and confidentiality are managed with care in all that we do. At all times we seek to ensure our communications do not compromise or have the potential to cause harm to those we work with. We do this by seeking to understand the context of those we work with, their environment and the complex systems at play. Everyone we work with is provided with opportunities to decide if, and how much, they wish to share.
Transparency and honesty
We commit to transparent communications that accurately represent the individuals and organisations with which we work.
Cultural sensitivity
We respect the moral values, customs, traditions, religion and cultures of the communities that projects we support work with. We advocate for the inclusion of local professionals because they understand their cultural context deeper.
We strive to ensure accessibility for the audience of communications material by adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
Importance of language
We carefully consider the use of language within our communications. We ensure the use of language is context-appropriate and does not reinforce harmful bias and stereotypes.